The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Monday, July 04, 2005

Living in the Land of the Free

This is the entrance to Higley Groves West, adorned with several flags. Actually, all the entrances to all of Higley Groves have flags, and I really like it.

Here is the entrance on Prairie off Elliot Road.

Along Park, there were many many flag-adorned houses; here are a couple peeking out from behind the trees.

When the Mister and I were young newlyweds, we lived within 2 miles of what was then Williams Air Force Base. Some friends on base invited our involvement with the Chapel program, and that started about 10 years of hanging out on base, mentoring folks, and making friendships that have endured to this day. So on this Independence Day, I find myself thinking about all the military folk we have encountered along the way, and I am grateful for their service to our country.

Our relationships run the gamut of rank: we just attended the wedding of a young first lieutenant who is a Tank Commander, and will most likely go to Iraq in about 8 months. And of course, since we are mature, we have just learned of a friend currently stationed in Korea who has been selected for Brigadier General. He did his pilot training at Willie, and we have nurtured that friendship through his many assignments. Another friend from Willie, an enlisted fellow, just retired as a Chief Master Sergeant after 30 years in the Air Force.

We love folks from several different branches of the military; obviously, our friendships with Air Force folks have the highest quantity, but the Army and Navy (recall that the Water Expert boasts Navy service, and Diver Chip is also Navy) are also well represented. The missing elements are the Marines (though I think the Mister has a few acquaintances through business) and the Coast Guard (since we are pretty far from any oceans…), but I value their service equally.

In short, my military friends have impacted my view of the 4th of July. The festivities and fireworks are nice; but the fact that our founding fathers declared independence 229 years ago has new meaning for me. And that independence is guarded and preserved by my friends who are stationed all over the world. God Bless You, good friends; and happy Independence Day!


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