Trees, Glorious Trees
There was a meeting in our office yesterday morning, with only one topic of discussion: trees. The participants included some of our office mates, a certified arborist, a landscape maintenance boss, and the Higley Groves West HOA president (who is also a Master Gardener). They interacted about tree varieties, watering issues, trimming and training the trees to grow properly, and life expectancy of the trees. I was happy to hear that the arborist added his approval to many others of our selection of trees and that when established, they should be around for tens of years, especially the pecans.
My kids will tell you that I'm a big fan of shade (they mock me for parking in the shade of Suburbans in grocery store parking lots, but if that's the only shade available...) and so I'm delighted that the crew at the office puts so much thought and effort into providing me shade throughout Morrison Ranch. Now if only they could make those trees in the Albertson's parking lot grow a tad faster...
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