The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Blogs Are For Everyone

The Arizona Republic has an article today about a Chandler High School student who blogs:

Before she can fall asleep, the Chandler High School teen sits on her bed and opens her laptop. She logs onto Xanga, the Web site where she keeps her online diary, and begins typing. On certain nights she'll vent about her hectic class schedule; other times she'll write about how her social life resembles a soap opera.

This is a little different from back in the day when we girls had those diaries with the key which we would hide but our brothers would find anyway and then sneak in our bedroom and read our longings for that certain boy to look our way and then bring up that boy's name at the most inopportune moment, like at the dinner table... But this is a new generation.

Tieu, like millions of online teens, finds comfort in writing in her Web log, or blog, expressing her thoughts to the world, or at least anyone curious enough to read them.

So there you go; they not only offer to let their brothers read their thoughts, anyone at school can indulge, as well.

My hope is that the news media will get a better handle on blogs; I always try to provide a link to their stories when I write about them, and I'm wondering why there was no link or at least an URL address for this girl's blog. These things take time, just like everything else, I guess.


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