Going South

One of the favorite books around our house when our kids were small was the timeless classic, "Make Way for Ducklings." I suppose that might be one of the themes for this spring in Morrison Ranch, as well. First here were the motherless ducklings swimming around the Town Center Lake; and then, as our office was returning for lunch the other day, there was traffic backed up along Elliot Road, for reasons which we could not ascertain.
Finally, the traffic moved, and we saw the problem: Mother Duck was a little confused by the cars and couldn't make up her mind which way to lead the ducklings. There was water on both sides of Elliot, after all. I picture her saying to herself, "Let's see, is it south in the spring? Or north? Oh dear, I just can't remember. Maybe it isn't really spring..."
She chose south, and all the ducklings crossed safely.
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