The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Friday, July 28, 2006

Around the Ranch and Town

Yesterday's big news, of course, was the fire at the San Tan Power Plant on Warner Road. The helicopters were hovering for quite some time; I'm sure that the billowing black smoke made for exciting camera shots. Thankfully, the fire is under control, and even more important, everyone still has their power. Ironically, when I read about some Phoenix residents losing their power because of the big storm on Tuesday night, I was feeling grateful for the San Tan plant. Residents who have been here a few years might remember some of the acrimony felt by the neighbors about expanding the plant, but it has kept up with our growing power needs. The thought of being without air conditioning on the 118 degree days is not a pretty one.

The other big Gilbert news is the opening of Cosmo Dog Park tomorrow night. From 6:30 to 9 pm, folks and their dogs will be checking out all the amenities and freebies. I've been watching it come together while driving by, and it looks quite lovely.

Around Morrison Ranch, the rainfall continues to be part of our news. We received an extra .46 inches yesterday morning, making our total rainfall from the last storm just shy of one and a half inches. The retention basins had plenty of water for playing (no dog park required for that!), and I was naysaying the progress at Highland Groves. I was mistaken, however; the guys at yesterday's weekly builders' meeting assured us that the SRP inspectors are in a completely different section from the storm damage folks, so the inspection of our boxes to run the irrigation should be on schedule. Furthermore, The Mister told me that since the grass didn't get started when scheduled, there will be more sod than originally planned, and less hydro-seeding. More, faster - not something we get to say very often.

Since it didn't rain last night, there should in fact be paving happening on the Elliot Road section just south of Highland Groves, in spite of the inch and a half of water the prior two days; so those traffic restrictions might be reduced shortly.

And I couldn't help but read this article about Gilbert High's football camp; our Number One Son is heading toward ASU this fall and didn't have to participate in the grueling run up "the hill" this summer. I wish the team the best, and I'll probably even go watch some games; but I won't have the "football mom's angst" to deal with this year. Whew.


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