The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Monday, October 31, 2005

Empty Blog

Sorry for the light posting the last couple of days. I spent Friday continuing my education as a CPA by getting the latest updates on tax law. May I just remind anyone who is interested that it is possible to have a simple tax code, and it is possible to have a fair tax code, but it is NOT possible to have a simple, fair tax code? The explanation for the new laws on credits for alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles is 93 pages long, and no, I am not exaggerating. And that is just one tiny area of new law. The breadth of our current tax code is the equivalent of 16 King James Bibles! Frankly, I find the Bible much more interesting than the Internal Revenue Code, but the truth is I need to know and understand the contents of both. Or at least know what the topics are so that I can look up the details later.

The weekend was spent on wedding planning and shopping. I promise not to let my planning exuberance spill over too much into our daily chats, but as you're sitting on my front porch, it will be impossible for you not to see some of the fruits of our labor, such as the stunning dress we found on Saturday.

Anyway, between visions of tax credits and reception budgets dancing in my head, there hasn't been much effort toward Morrison Ranch happenings. I'll get back on track this week.


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