The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Well, How About That?

I had nearly given up hope on my jacarandas blooming purple this year. I mentioned in an earlier post that we had changed the plan on jacarandas in the parks. They don't seem to do as well here as in California, and the reason isn't quite clear. An intolerance of salt has been one reason offered, but whatever the truth is, you will see pines in the park areas in Higley Estates instead of the jacarandas. Nevertheless, we planted some jacarandas in our front yard (and lost and replaced a couple of them) hoping for a little late-spring color. They are big now, but haven't looked too full lately, and I've wondered if they would ever turn purple. But when we returned from our recent trip out of town, there they were, offering a lovely lilac contrast to the blue sky.


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