Highland Groves Update
We drove (or should I say 4-wheeled) through Highland Groves yesterday after lunch. I took a picture of the south lake, but decided not to post it because, really, it looks mostly the same as the last time I posted a picture.
The sewer line is going in; that accounts for the piles of dirt along Recker Road. The two lakes are pretty well roughed out, though there was some discussion in the car about whether the banks are level (don't worry, the Water Expert is keeping an eagle eye on it). Most of the roads are easily discernible, as well as the retention basins. And the big mountain of dirt on the east side should decrease a little as they put some back in the lake. The rest will have to be moved.
As we headed back to Elliot Road, we drove over an area next to the road littered with large stones, perhaps 6 or 8 inches in diameter. Those rocks seemed so out of place that I wondered aloud why they were there. "Track Out," the Mister replied. "It's to clean the mud off the trucks before they enter the paved road; they get fined big if they track mud from the project." And of course it's muddy because the dust restrictions require them to spray water continuously across the project as they work; that part, I knew. The Mister is so smart.
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