Higley Estates From the Air

Higley Estates Park Under Water, Houses are Sprouting

In spite of the rain, the houses at Higley Estates are sprouting like weeds, seemingly overnight. (I'm sure it doesn't feel like it to the homeowners waiting to move in, but to those of us watching from the outside, it seems instant) The covered tot lot is looking out over the park filled with water, which is actually helpful for the new sod.
As good neighbors, if you see anything suspicious, please do report it. I'm appalled that some employees and subcontractors figure it might be okay to pilfer and steal from the builder. And "everybody does it and they can afford it" just doesn't cut it with me, just like when my kids are tempted to say, "everybody cheats at school, and I know the stuff anyway" doesn't cut it in our household.
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